Bullish projects

Here you can find projects i analyze and am bullish on. This is NOT financial advice.

Overview of the SOLANA NFTs market until now

history-1 Let's start with some facts of the beginning in the history of SOL NFTs you must know:
 •  March 2021: The first NFT collection on SOLANA: Kreechures.
 •  April 2021: Phantom Wallet launches.
 •  May 2021: First derivative. SolPunks brought ETHEREUM's CryptoPunks to SOLANA.
 •  July - September 2021: Beginning of "Blue Chip" NFTs on SOLANA.
 •  September 2021: Launch of Magic Eden.
 •  October - December 2021: SMB #1355 sold for $2M USD (13,027 SOL). DeGods mint.
 •  November 2021: Utility and Stealth mints. Projects start to bring more utility.
Source: Magic Eden Blog

history-2 From January to April 2022 it all was just too good to be true for the grand majority of collections.
SOL NFTs peaked in April-May 2022:
DeGods FP went to 297 SOL ($32K at that time with SOL being around $109), Okay Bears minted for 1.5 SOL and it ramped through the charts when FP within the first week got to 188 SOL (around $19K at that time).
The fact is, every new collection did well, they didn't even had to be good (artwise, utilitywise, etc), volume was there. I remember even SOL infrastructure couldn't handle so many volume at that time. The whole SOLANA chain had outages many times because of the transactions volume.
Then, bear market came along with its first big catalyst being Luna-Terra collapse and that dragged the whole crypto and NFT market with it. We can say with much certainty that at least 90% of the projects that were alive at that moment, today are gone.

history-3 Since then, NFT market kept going in a downtrend, following crypto market itself. A few projects continued building, new projects were launched, and lots of projects slowly died or just rugged.
The key here is that some projects continued building. They managed their funds the best way they could, and kept surviving during the bear market. They are the "living proof" that some projects in Web3 space are here for the long run and not for the high instant profits. This projects have one thing in common, and is their community.
In my opinion, in Web3 space, NO community means NO chance of success. That's why i think those projects which survived and kept striving, are those which have the most chance of success in the long term, they proven themselves being resilient, brave, smart, strategic and with strong communities.
I think effort will pay off and most of these are due to have a very high chance of success during the next bull market.

Publish date: 2023-10-01

Author: panchini25

Analysis key points

This are for me the key points of analysis to check if a project has high chances of success:

  •  •  Art. This is the most subjective key point, but a important one, when choosing a NFT, a lot of people value art more than anything else.
  •  •  Utility. One of the most controversial points, because every utility is weighted and valued differently. Even if it's a "PFP only" collection, utility is key.
  •  •  Core team. The leading team needs to be strategic, executive and resilient.
  •  •  Community. True activeness in the project is measured with the community rather than anything else.
  •  •  Ideas and execution. Being Web3 a new concept, the space is filled with ideas. Being pioneers on implementing them and executing them correctly, gives a huge advantage to the project.
  •  •  Collaborations. Like i said above, being Web3 a new concept, the space has a lot of barriers to be crossed and a lot to be discovered yet. Collaboration between projects usually helps both projects to get visibility and some other advantages that makes a project more solid. Of course, there are some exceptions were the projects gets hurt instead of growing, but those are the exceptions.
  •  •  Holders ratio. Diamond holders are important, they support and strive with the leading team, they are a fundamental part of the community. Also every project has whales, they are also take part on the rate of success a project has, but they are also a "double edge sword", they can be a blessing or a nightmare.
  •  •  Timing. This is something that only a few projects take into account or struggle very hard to get it right. It's also, in my opinion, the most difficult thing to be certain about, since nobody can predict the future, so you can never be 100% sure when is the right timing. The only thing projects can do is try their best to get it right. In the history of SOL NFTs we could say that some projects were ahead of time and others were too late and their outcome would be very different changing this key point.

You might be wondering why i stated key points that are mostly from fundamental analysis instead of making a list of things a project must "check" on the charts to be successful... Of course, technical analysis on NFT projects is always very helpful and gives us concrete data which we can use to draw conclusions, but it doesn't give us the full picture.
TA can also show us if we are getting a good entry or which key levels are the best to DCA, and FA can help us detecting how organic the growth is, why a collection gets more volume or know the quality of the leaders a project has.


Here you can find some of the projects i consider very bullish in the long run.
 •  This are NOT short term plays.
 •  Best entries depend on when you are reading this, but feel free to ask me or search another analysis to ensure a good entry.

Do you find my analyses helpful?
You can tip me at this SOLANA network address: 5piaqadJqdYhr2tNr9dp47VjQLPZ1KfQcYCM2DpHjVsr


Bored Ape Solana Club

BASC is in my opinion, the #1 derivative in SOL ecosystem. I believe the team in charge of the project after being rugged managed to do everything like they should, and results are visible.



D3FENDERS is a collection of 2500 NFTs which gives us access to a very simple but super powerful tool, born to help us all navigate through the web3 space and make it a safer place.


Solrarity - Rarikeys & Snipies

It started as a manual sniper, but nowadays you can set snipes automatically with the possibility of setting lots of different parameters as rarity and specific traits. One of the first snipers in SOL ecosystem. In my opinion the best "bang for the buck" sniper out there. Last tools launched managed to increase exponencially the sniping power.